Submit content for possible publication in Literary Apologetics.Mag using the form below.
We will accept articles up to 1,500 words, short stories up to 4,000 words, poems up 1,000 words, and original artwork in digital format. File extensions accepted: doc, docx, txt, rtf, jpg, gif, png, and bmp. Files cannot be larger than 1,000kb.
#### NEW! ### Unsolicited submitted entries that we go on to publish will now earn $25 effective in our January 2012 edition! This goes for pieces of articles, poetry, short stories, or original artwork.
Because of the volume of submissions received we cannot reply to all submissions. If we publish your submission, we will also credit you by name and link to your website (if you have one).
By submitting your work in this form, you agree to release your work for publication in our e-zine wherever and whenever the e-zine is distributed, compensated at the amount indicated above, with no further compensation expected.